Sunday, August 16, 2015


Becky and Jessica have been drafting out a guide for inventory management.  Specifically, like the status given equipment in its different return state and what happens when the equipment leaves Mosaic’s possession along with where equipment is in the inventory workflow.  The inventory management workflow will be placed into Mosaic’s workflow in the coming weeks to increase their oversight and insight into controlling the inventory 

Current enrollment is around 70 patients.  There is more equipment out than what we are receiving readings for so Aimee is going to follow-up to determine whether or not these patients graduated the program.  There has also been some conversation surrounding reading compliance to determine if there may be a better way to motivate the patients.

Lots of continued discussion surrounding changed to program delivery once integration has occurred.  Such items include whether or not data collection will change.  There has been additional conversations regarding the benefits and efficiency of having RCCHC patients use of Remote Monitoring Kiosk to take vitals at time of clinic check-in.  Initially the RCCHC would implement this process then perhaps send a kiosk to Mosaic for use if it proves sustainable and efficient.  Target would be spring 2016.


There are still ongoing challenges regarding resource and workload management.  There will be another per diem nurse joining the team in September.  After OCHIN interface is fully integrated, Aimee will be working on refining the resource needs list.


Aimee has been making visits to the two newest sites, Redmond and Madras, based partly on feedback provided during an informal team interview.  We have a newly trained RNCC in Redmond who is fully onboard and excited about the program. We have a .3 employee who is assisting with the equipment cleaning and reset.  This is a great benefit.

Building and testing OCHIN interface is progressing.  We are looking to enroll active patient information into the system for testing purposes on or about 8/17/15.


Andy Eck is continuing to pursue opportunities available to expand the program.  Specifically targeting the St. Charles Medical system.  Andy has provided items to the executive for consideration and will be following-up once we have a better handle on the training manual, ideal life interface, etc.

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