As of June 18, we had 78 active participants with a total of 90 units in the field. We will be looking into the discrepancies. We are still looking into the Glucometer enabler issue presented previously. the Glucometers are less cumbersome for the patients and may be more efficient than enablers due to the communication issues presented. Due to these factors, it is likely data collection will be more consistent if supported by the Glucometers. Currently we are also working on completing drafts of procedure manuals focusing on the remote RN support. This would provide a guide for any nurse to step into the support function with ease as well as provide information for other locations that are interested in starting a similar program.
Andy Eck is still working closely with St. Charles Medical System to explore expansion of the program. Networking through this channel and the recent regional meetings has made state level agencies more aware of what is happening in their own "back yard", so to speak. Wonderful awareness!
OCHIN interface still in process; completion target dates have come an gone. Resources at our end are needed to support testing, yet as of June 18 there is no definite test date confirmed. We still don't have a committed resource to back-up our Regional RN, Aimee Priest. While we did finish training a per diem nurse, this resource may not be sufficient to cover all needs.